An overview of Access & Use
Access & Use shows what it needs to make dynamic elements in websites accessible and usable for all.
Non-modal dialogs
When a non-modal dialog opens, the page below can still be accessed, but is now partly covered.
Drop-down navigation menus
Only the top level of a menu is visible in a drop-down navigation menu. Activating a top-level menu item opens a sub-menu.
Tabbed interfaces
Tabbed interfaces can stack up information, like in a stack of index cards. Selecting a tab shows the corresponding card (the tab panel).
Carousels consist of sections that 'slide into view' after a short duration. The are often used on start pages to showcase key content.
Disclosure widgets
Disclosure widgets can reveal – or disclose – hidden content under a heading.
Content on hover & focus
Some content is transient: It pops up when elements are hovered over or receive focus.
Forms & error handling
Forms allow users to put in data. When errors occur, feedback should be perceivable and meaningful.